National Deaf Children’s Society must respect staff’s call for trade union recognition, says UNISON

Monday 3 June

Charity must respect staff’s call for trade union recognition, says UNISON

The National Deaf Children’s Society (NDCS) should respect the wishes of staff and recognise UNISON in the workplace, says the union today (Monday).  

UNISON is calling for a recognition agreement with the charity, which would allow the union to negotiate over pay and other benefits on behalf of employees.

Workers at the NDCS were recently asked by UNISON if they supported such an agreement, with half (50%) saying they would.

UNISON London regional organiser Ezequiel Kramer said: “The charity should do the right thing. It’s clear staff would value the extra help and strength they’d get if the union was recognised.

“An agreement would ensure worker’ views were represented at the highest level within the organisation.

“But it’s not just employees that would feel the advantage. Workplaces often work more smoothly when leaders work closely with unions. It’s likely both staff and senior managers would reap the results.

“UNISON will continue to campaign until recognition is achieved.”


Notes to editors:
– UNISON is the UK’s largest union with more than 1.3 million members providing public services in education, local government, the NHS, police service and energy. They are employed in the public, voluntary and private sectors.

Media contact:
Rosie Sammut E: M:07958 063188