Regional Disabled Members Committee AGM

1 October 2024 12:00pm–2:00pm

Hybrid - Online via MS Teams and in person at UNISON Centre, Euston Road, London, NW1 2AY.

Branches are invited to submit nominations to the Regional Disabled Members Committee ahead of the AGM.

The Regional Disabled Members’ Committee meets quarterly and reports to the Regional Council and Regional Committee.  Amongst the Committee’s objectives is the promotion of disabled members’ participation in UNISON at every level, and to campaign for the elimination of discrimination towards disabled people.  The 2024/25 committee will be formally constituted at the AGM on 1 October 2024.

If you would like to be a member of the Regional Disabled Members Committee, please speak to your branch in the first instance.

For more information, please view the convening notice linked below.

Convening notice RDMC AGM 2024/25


Branch Disabled Members’ Self-Organised Groups (SOGs) are invited to make nominations to the Disabled Members’ Committee for 2024/25. However where a branch Disabled Members SOG does not exist, then the nomination should be made through the Branch Committee.

Each branch is entitled to nominate one delegate to sit on the Regional Disabled Members Committee 2024/25 and attend the AGM on 1 October and one observer (who will not be eligible to vote, and the branch will be required to pay expenses for). At least one of the branch representatives (delegate & observer) must be a woman.

Nominations and registrations must be received by no later than 5pm on Friday 13 September. 

Register your branch representatives and any access requirements online here


Complete a return appendix A and B to Sherron King, RDMC administrator (

Appendix A – nomination form

Appendix B – access requirements form