Regional Women’s Committee AGM

10 October 2024 10:00am–2:00pm

UNISON Centre, Euston Road, London, NW1 2AY.

Branches are invited to submit nominations to the Regional Women’s Committee ahead of the AGM.

The Regional Women’s Committee reports to Regional Council and Regional Committee. Its objectives are to promote and encourage women’s participation in UNISON and to ensure UNISON acts effectively to represent its women members at local and regional level. The new committee will be formally constituted at the AGM on 10 October.

If you would like to be a member of the Regional Women’s Committee, please speak to your branch in the first instance.


Branches are asked to make nominations to the Regional Women’s Committee for 2024/25. Branches are grouped in accordance to the scheme relevant to their service group. If your branch has a Women’s Group please pass this to them for their attention.  Please note that only women members should vote in any election of nominees.

The deadline for nominations is 5pm Thursday 29 August 2024 

Further information, including the nomination forms, can be found by using the links below.

Local government RWC nominations

Health RWC nominations

EVS RWC nominations

*EVS – Community and voluntary sector branches; Higher Education branches; Further Education branches; Water, Environment & Transport branches


All motions should be submitted by 5pm Thursday 29 August to Emma Simson – 

If you have any questions, or require any further details, please email Emma Simson ( )