Care Workers Seminar

5 July 2019 12:00pm–5:30pm

UNISON Centre, 130 Euston Road, London, NW1 2AY

This is a reminder that UNISON is holding a social care seminar for members from across the UK on Friday 5 July 2019.

UNISON members delivering frontline services across the whole range of adult social care settings are invited to attend.

The seminar is open to all social care members whether they work for a council, not for profit community or voluntary organisation, a for-profit company or delivering social care in a healthcare setting.

Members will have the opportunity to hear about UNISON’s future plans for social care, to learn how best to campaign and organise in the sector and to allow people to help shape the union’s work in the area.

There will be a mix of excellent speakers, including talks from inspiring care workers who have been involved in industrial disputes and an update on UNISON’s ongoing legal action over the sleep-in issue.

Workshop topics currently include:

  • Dealing with violence at work
  • How to try and achieve safe staffing levels in care homes
  • Campaigning and organising in the care sector across the UK
  • Pay and tax issues facing care workers
  • Establishing career progression for care workers

Places are limited to 90 members – the deadline for registration is Friday 31 May.

The cost of the seminar is £30 per person payable by branches. This will cover refreshments, lunch and administrative costs for the event. UNISON branches will also be responsible for the cost of travel and any accommodation.

A full and detailed programme of events will be available nearer the time.

For more information, please contact Keely Nash or Nicky Broomfield on 020 121 5271 or email and

Click to download the registration form