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UNISON survey of library workers will look at the effects of austerity cuts on the service

Article on the UNISON National site.

Essex County Council rejects chance to listen to the public

Essex county councillors voted down calls yesterday to abandon their swingeing cuts to library services. An extraordinary council meeting was called after nearly 60,000 people signed petitions condemning a consultation on the future of libraries that will close at least 25. A further 18 libraries will close if no volunteer groups can be found to […]

Article, News on the UNISON Eastern site.

Library closures: council threatens to rip the heart out of Essex communities

The 18 earmarked to be run solely by volunteers would close down within a year if no "suitable partners" are found to […]

Article, News on the UNISON Eastern site.

London march to save the arts and libraries

Hundreds of people will march from the British Library to Parliament Square tomorrow (Saturday) to call for an end to the cuts hitting the arts and libraries across the country. Members of UNISON, along with those from PCS and UNITE, will march past cultural landmarks in the capital in support of libraries and museums. The […]

Press release on the UNISON National site.

‘Save the arts and libraries’ march goes through London cultural landmarks to Parliament

Cash-trapped councils across the country have had no choice but to cut back on culture and libraries spending in a desperate attempt to save core services

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.

National Demonstration to Save Libraries, Museums and Culture

3 November 2018 12:00pm–3:00pm
Central London

As the crisis in our public library service deepens and central Government slashes local council budgets, UNISON is calling a National Demonstration in support of Libraries, Museums and Culture. The demo and rally, supported by PCS and UNITE will march through central London. Details: Date: Saturday 3 November Rally in Parliament Square 1.15pm Finish by […]

Event on the UNISON National site.

Proud to support Reading Ahead

UNISON was delighted to host the launch event for the Reading Agency‘s 2018-19 Reading Ahead challenge at UNISON Centre on 13 September. Reading Ahead is an initiative that encourages less confident readers to choose six pieces (which could be books, articles, poems, blog posts…) and write a brief review of them. It aims to get people […]

Learning News on the UNISON College site.

Culture is a human need

But with the cuts to library provision across the UK, she said, “the government is closing a gate that should be open” […]

Article on the UNISON National site.

Proposed pension changes will hit lowest paid university staff

In recent years they’ve seen the value of their pay fall, now the university wants to cut their income in retirement too

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.

Save our Southend libraries

UNISON members from the Southend branch spent last Thursday visiting their local libraries as part of the annual Save Our Local Services campaign. This year’s SOS challenged the government’s library cuts and defended our precious library services and library workers.             The campaign highlighted how important  libraries and library workers […]

Article, News on the UNISON Eastern site.