Search Campaigns, News and Blogs tagged grovember

Easy Joiner: quick paperless joining

A couple of taps, ask a friend to add their name and email – and just like that, you’ve recruited a new member!

Article on the UNISON National site.

Never too big to care

UNISON is proud to be unique among unions in having a dedicated charity, There for You, which supports our members when life gets tough.

Article on the UNISON National site.

NEC gears up for growth

Two months of industrial action and campaigning shows why we need to go for growth, executive hears

Article on the UNISON National site.

How we can be stronger, together

UNISON is turning November into Grovember with a big recruitment drive. Here are some helpful tips to support activists and members alike, working to recruit their new union colleagues

Article on the UNISON National site.

16 reasons …

… that people give for not joining a union, and some helpful hints for changing their minds

recruit on the UNISON National site.

Living wage week – a recruitment opportunity

New living wage rates are announced on 5 November as part of living wage week – and UNISON has plenty of material available if you plan any recruitment activity around the issue

recruit on the UNISON National site.

How to … recruit new members

In these  workplaces, reps need to find new and creative ways to reach out to potential new members. So again, here are six ideas to get you started. Workplace mapping – gather a group of […]

recruit on the UNISON National site.