Healthcare Student Update June 2020

Dear UNISON Student

We’re writing to give you a further update on the situation for student nurses and midwives in England. This applies only to student nurses and midwives, arrangements for AHP students will be dealt with separately. 

You’ll recall that emergency standards for nurse education were introduced in the spring to enable student nurses and midwives at different stages of your training to contribute to the pandemic response whilst continuing your studies.

The NMC is now planning to withdraw these standards by the end of September to return education to nomal. There has been some controversy and confusion over recent weeks as NHS Trusts have begun trying to withdraw the contracts they offered to students during the emergency.

We have reached agreement with Health Education England and NHS Employers on a national approach to ending these paid placements.

Essentially students starting placements from July 31st should be back on normal ‘supernumerary’ placements, which are not paid.

Any student who had started a placement before this date should continue to be paid until the end of original contract offer, unless they agree to it being ended early so they can qualify as a fully registered nurse or midwife or return to their studies. Employers hosting final year students should identify them early to begin exploring options for helping them into full time contracts.

We anticipate there may be many issues in implementing this and many universities, employers and yourselves may be confused by the arrangements.

If you have any further questions or concerns please let us know.

Additionally UNISON is a member led trade union which means we are always encouraging members to become active. If anyone is interested in becoming active within UNISON as a rep or a contact then please let me know.

Lastly, on behalf of UNISON Greater London, I would like to thank you all for your commitment and support during the ongoing Covid19 pandemic.

Kind Regards

Rachael Johnson

Student Nurse Lead

UNISON – Greater London Region

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