Queen Mary University must keep its nursery open, says UNISON

Thursday 6 June 2024

 For immediate release


Queen Mary University must keep its nursery open, says UNISON

Plans by Queen Mary University of London to close its workplace nursery must be reversed, says UNISON today (Thursday).

Westfield nursery, which provides accessible and affordable childcare for students and staff at the university, is due to close in less than three months. 

The move will leave parents with little time to find alternatives and the nursery’s 19 employees out of a job, says the union.

UNISON says the university has failed to give sufficient notice of the closure. Parents are worried they’ll be unable to keep their jobs or continue with their studies given the lack of affordable childcare available locally.

UNISON is urging the university to work with parents and the union to save the nursery.

UNISON London regional organiser Sam Ferman said: “Parents working at the university are scared they won’t be able to find alternative affordable childcare if the nursery closes. And the staff are anxious at the thought of losing their jobs. 

“Queen Mary must work with UNISON and parents to keep the nursery open and protect the jobs of staff working there.”

Queen Mary University UNISON branch co-chair Anastasia Malama said: “The nursery is a crucial lifeline for staff and students.

“It allows parents to balance a busy work or study schedule, while still caring for their families. The closure would have a significant impact on the local community and nursery staff, most of whom are women.

“The university must explore all other options before taking such a drastic decision.” 


Notes to editors:
– UNISON is the UK’s largest union with more than 1.3 million members providing public services in education, local government, the NHS, police service and energy. They are employed in the public, voluntary and private sectors. 

Media contact:
Rosie Sammut  M:07958 063188 E:r.sammut@unison.co.uk