14 October 2023 10:00am–2:00pm

UNISON Centre, Euston Road

The Regional LGBT+ Group AGM is open to all LGBT+ UNISON members in the Greater London Region. If you wish to attend please complete the online registration form below by Friday 29 September.

Click here to register

The AGM is a great opportunity for LGBT+ members and activists to catch up on issues affecting LGBT+ workers, and to hear from (or join!) our Regional LGBT+ Committee.

  • Elections to the UNISON Greater London Region LGBT+ Committee – if you would like to stand for one of the seats please complete the attached form and return by the deadline. You can also include an election statement of no more than 250 words, which will be circulated to those attending the meeting.
  • Motions to Regional LGBT+ AGM – If you or your branch has a motion which they would like the AGM to consider, please complete the attached form and return by the deadline. Someone from your branch will need to attend the meeting to move the motion.
  • National LGBT+ Conference – The AGM will discuss prioritisation of motions for LGBT+ Conference. The meeting will also consider any emergency motions to conference. If you have an emergency motion, please complete the attached form and return by the deadline. You must attend the AGM in order to move the motion.
  • Prides 2023 – UNISON was proud to participate at Pride in London, London Trans Pride and Middlesex Pride this summer, and Black Pride on Sunday 19 August! Interested in marching with your union next year? Let’s start planning!
  • Planning for Year of the LGBT+ Worker 2024 – The NEC and National LGBT+ Committee have agreed that 2024 will be the UNISON Year of the LGBT+ Worker. Let’s make it memorable and generate change in our workplaces!
  • Speakers: the AGM will welcome guest speakers, TBC.

 Please find all forms below, for a return deadline of 5pm on Friday 29 September 2023.

All nomination and motions forms should be sent to Rosie Sammut by email or by post, details below. Any forms received after the deadline will not be accepted.

FAO Rosie Sammut, UNISON, 1st Floor, Congress House, Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3LS

Any questions, please do get in touch. We look forward to seeing you there!