We Demand Better: TUC Rally

2 November 2022 6:00pm–8:00pm

Central Hall Westminster, Storey's Gate, London, UK

After we have lobbied our MPs, we’ll be holding a huge rally in Central Hall Westminster. Join us to hear from frontline workers and union leaders about how they are fighting for higher pay and fairer treatment at work Register here Outcome

UNISON & TUC Lobby of Parliament

2 November 2022

The Palace of Westminster, London, SW1A 0AA

UNISON and the TUC have moved their cost of living rally and lobby of Parliament to Wednesday 2 November. The lobby was originally planned for 19 October, but has been changed because of a rescheduling of the TUC Congress. The new date will give more time for members to set up meeting with MPs, to explain what […]

Celebrating UNISON Young Black members

28 July 2022 1:00pm–6:00pm

UNISON Centre, Euston Road, London, NW1 2AY.

The Greater London Regional Black Members Committee is hosting an event to celebrate young Black members. This event is for UNISON Young Black members. If you are a UNISON member aged 27 or younger, this event is for you!

Lets talk about race

20 May 2021 6:00pm–8:00pm

Go to webinar

As part of our long-standing anti-racism campaign, UNISON Greater London region is proud to present ’Lets talk about race’ a webinar which is open for all UNISON members. Register here  We’re excited to announce that we will have John Barnes MBE (former professional footballer at Liverpool, Watford and Newcastle), Shaka Hislop (honorary president and former […]

Webinar for Healthcare students

23 November 2020 4:00pm–6:00pm

Virtual event

November marks Young Workers Month and this year we will be hosting a webinar for all Healthcare students! Both members and non-members are invited to attend.  What is Young Workers Month? Young Workers Month is held every year to promote the importance of trade unions in modern life and to focus on the issues young people […]

POSTPONED: NJC Pay Claim: Lobby of London Councils

26 March 2020 9:00am–11:00am

59½ Southwark Street, London SE1 0AL

NJC PAY CLAIM 2020 : INITIAL OFFER REJECTED LOBBY OF LONDON COUNCILS : THURSDAY 26 MARCH 2020 : 9-10AM You will be aware that the initial pay offer made by the NJC employers was rejected by the joint trade unions. The employers have decided to have a further round of ‘roadshows’ with each region to […]

UNISON Green Week

16 – 20 September 2019

We have called for strong action on climate change for many years. This September, our branches across the UK are organising a week of activities to call for urgent action to tackle climate change. Green UNISON Week gives UNISON members the chance to show support for the school climate strikers ahead of their campaign to […]

UNISON Lobby of London Councils

18 September 2019 11:30am–1:00pm

59½ Southwark Street, London, SE1 0AL

UNISON members and activists will be gathering outside London Councils on Southwark Street to speak to Councillors and senior officers arriving for the Local Government Association (LGA) roadshow consultation. The roadshow is part of a series of regional feedback sessions being held with local authorities to help the LGA formulate their response to the joint […]

Save Ealing Libraries: Ealing Council Lobby

11 June 2019 8:00pm–9:00pm

Ealing Town Hall, New Broadway, Ealing, London W5 2BY


NSL Workers March Against Low Pay

9 February 2019 10:30am–12:30pm

Mornington Crescent, Camden High Street (by the War Memorial)

Camden UNISON Local Government branch are marching in support of NSL members in their campaign to win decent pay, Saturday 9 February at 10:30am, assembling at Mornington Crescent/Camden High Street, by the War Memorial. Traffic wardens in Camden are on strike for 14 days to win decent pay. They work for private company NSL and […]